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UTAH retreat 2020

Same photo as last year, minus the infamous Albert Ramirez, who could not attend this year. :(

Same photo as last year, minus the infamous Albert Ramirez, who could not attend this year. :(


The time we spent this past weekend in Utah was one to remember!

Whenever we get the opportunity to go away for a weekend as a ministry, it always seems like we get more then we expect, even if we have high expectations!

This year was a little different than the past couple years. First, it didn’t snow on the way up, or at all while we were there. The last few years we either had issues arriving, or leaving, due to the amount of snow that was coming down. Not only that, but thankfully for the first time in a couple years we didn’t have any issues with our vehicles. Almost every trip we have taken to Utah since the start of IGNITED in 2016 has had some sort of vehicle issue. Lastly, we didn’t have almost any injuries this year, though a lot of us were a little beat up coming home. So with no issues, we were able to just focus on what the Lord wanted to show us while we were away from our daily distractions in Utah.

Our first night we ate chicken tortilla soup, and then dug into God’s Word. It was a nice night to start, as we were all exhausted from all the driving we had done. We also spent time in worship, and it was amazing to sing together as a group. Whenever we have worship on a retreat, unplugged, it is always such an amazing time. Hearing all the voices singing together as one is seriously such an amazing thing. I was personally blessed by those times.

Every day following was one full of fellowship and community. Regardless of what the group was doing we were all together having fun. Whether that meant we were out on the mountain snowboarding or skiing, or just relaxing at the cabin, fellowship was everywhere. On top of that, we have such a serving heart in our group. No matter what kind of area we needed help, whether it was cooking, or doing dishes, or cleaning the cabin, there was always more then enough hands then was needed to help. That was amazing to see, the servant hearts in our ministry are not to be taken lightly!

One of the highlights, among many, of the trip was the testimonies shared. Every year we share testimonies, and every year we grow closer together. The amount of openness and just the complete honesty from those who shared was amazing. Whether it was something they struggled with, or still struggle with, it was a time that really showed the deep roots that God has grown in our group. It’s not everyday that you share your issues with a room full of people, so to see the sincerity and afterwards seeing those from the group continue the sharing throughout the weekend was such a blessing. There is always just something about being surrounded by your peers away from home that really aids in friendship/community building.


All and all, we hope that this retreat was a blessing to all who attended, and we hope that if you didn’t come, for whatever reason, that you would consider coming next year! I promise you won’t be disappointed that you did!


In the love of Christ,

Nathan Deck