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“Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house,

Or go up to the comfort of my bed;

I will not give sleep to my eyes

Or slumber to my eyelids,

Until I find a place for the LORD,

A dwelling place for the Might One of Jacob.”

Psalm 132:3-5

The latest I’ve stayed up for school is around 3-4am, and I realize that’s early for some people. Those nights kill me, and day after is a monster, but I do it because it’s crucial that I meet whatever deadline. So I push through the headaches and head fog, the neck cramps and dry eyes – all for a little grade.

Each of us can relate in one way or another and have probably gone to even greater lengths in desperation. Whether it’s for work, for family, or for school, we do what we got to do.

But do we do the same for God?

The words of the psalmist above really speak for themselves and bring conviction to my heart. Rather than refusing sleep for God’s honor, I do the opposite. I sacrifice sleep every now and then for all these other things, but when it comes to prayer? Reading the word? …Well, it’s past my bed time.

That’s really sad. Oh, how I desire to be like the psalmist, who will stop at nothing to give the Lord a dwelling place. Amidst all the chaos in my life, I pray for that kind of desperation.

Am I saying that we need to prove our devotion to God by praying till dawn or something? Not at all. This goes beyond sleep into every aspect of our lives. And it’s not about “proving,” but it is about sacrifice. When push comes to shove, if we reach a point where we are short on time and have to choose between sacrificing our flesh and God’s place in our lives, we need to sacrifice the flesh. It’s our great joy and privilege, and it’s impossible without Him.

I say this to myself the most, because He’s done it for us.